One of the things that people tell me the most is that there's no way their dog would ever sit still for photos. But that's the trick! I've met maybe two dogs, in all of my time as a pet photographer, who have actually sat still for the entire session. The most important thing I've learned in all my time doing this is to have patience!
I never go into a shoot expecting any dog to sit perfectly still while posing for the camera. I mean, they're dogs! One of the best things about them is that every single one is different and has it's own unique personality. Every shoot is different- that's what makes my job so much fun!
Dog's are just like you and me, they can get stressed out or anxious too. Especially if they sense that their owner is stressed out. I always want my photo shoots to be fun! There's no rush. I will spend as much time as it takes to get awesome pictures of your pup!
If you'd like to do an outdoor session, we'll start out with a walk. We'll wander for a bit, have a chat, get some of your pups energy out- and when we come across a nice place for photos I'll stop and take a few shots, then we'll keep walking until we find another spot. That way we get a few awesome backgrounds, and your pup doesn't get bored!
I have a few different tricks to keep my models interested. Usually treats or toys, depending on what they like. And I also have a few different noise makers to get them to look at the camera and give that adorable head tilt! It's also fun to see the reactions of strangers when I lay on the ground, balancing a camera, while doing loud elk and duck calls. The elk call still makes me laugh every time!
As far as post processing goes – I run all my images through a combination of Adobe’s Lightroom and Photoshop. I shoot in RAW and therefore process my images to adjust things like sharpness, contrast, color cast, etc. I can also remove leashes and eye goobers to make your pup look their best!